Read your way to success

You have possibly picked up that I am a bit of a book lover. I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. I travel everywhere with a book so that if I am ever waiting, I can take a few moments to read.

A reading habit is a recognized element of successful leadership. This article lists the reading habits of people such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. It also describes wider research lining reading to success and has a plethora of links to reading lists you can check out.

I particularly liked Books Extremely Successful People Read

I also like when an author lists a recommended reading list. In Simon Sineks' Start with Why there is a list of books that have inspired him. This helps me delve deeper into the author’s mindset and increase my understanding and knowledge. A few of the books recommended by Simon are captured here - What makes a great leader? A recommended reading list

Richard Branson is another fan and role model for the value and importance of reading. Here is a list of books from 2016 that he recommends. For World Book Day he lists 65 books that everyone should read in their lifetime- how many of those have you read?

I set a reading goal each year using Goodreads and this year it was to read 52 books. Let's just say one of my weekly emails may touch on the topic of how to deal with disappointment.  I use Goodreads not only to track what I've read (check out my leading in healthcare list) but also to keep track of all those recommended books that I want to read. I also collect recommended lists and other articles linked to reading on my Pinterest Board. Yes, there may be a little obsession going on. I'm not precious about books though, happily lending them or giving them away. I get giddy sharing what I've been reading of late and would love to hear what you've been reading.

How about a quick fix though? Do you want something you can tackle and finish this week and still feel like you've learned something useful and inspiring? Here you go. My top five quick reads for a weekend (or an evening)


  1. Our iceberg is melting

  2. 5 Dysfunctions of a team

  3. Who moved my cheese

  4. Eat that frog

  5. Fish

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor

The 2017 book review


Your end of year reflection