It begins with an idea

I am No Jedi

Changing the way it feels to work in healthcare by staying curious and courageous.

By trying, falling over, getting back up and trying again.

My idea started back in 2016 when I saw new leaders and managers coming into health, looking overwhelmed and frustrated. I knew this was a moment I could step up and do something different, creative and supportive or get on with my job and watch them from a distance.

My weekly email started to make their days a little lighter, brighter and easier. It quickly grew and now with a worldwide audience, I continue with the same mission and purpose.

Sharing ideas, stories, and resources you focuses on leading yourself first, leading others, and generating joy in work.

Now there is also a members area, where I’ll be storing the free courses, workbooks and writing. I’m hoping this can be a community space, but it’s currently a work in progress. Open to ideas and suggestions. The member’s area is currently free, all you need to do is sign up and create an account.


The place we can build community, I'll be sharing special blog collections, free online training and downloadable resources and workbooks

Members Area