A change of plan

In my two year review - the fifth most popular of the Jedi emails came from February 2018

I had the great pleasure, pride and joy in taking part in the Auckland Pride Parade. So much so, the email lined up to go out today will just have to wait as I wanted to share why, for me, it was important to be there. 

The Auckland Pride Parade marched for peace, love and unity at a time of escalating global unrest when human rights are increasingly under attack all over the world. 

I believe we all have something great and wonderful to offer this world. This will only be evident and obvious when we can be our true and whole selves. When we have to hide who we are out of fear or shame or in the face of discrimination and intimidation our contribution and value are diminished, or worse, hidden completely. 

I believe in equality, fairness and respect. Yes, I know that the world is not all good and lovely. There are bad days, bad moments, and bad choices but I do believe that we can continue to work for what is better for us all. 

I believe that your organisation, and your team, is stronger with a diverse culture.  There is strength in our diversity and what unites us is bigger than anything that makes us different. 

I collected a selection of links for you, sharing topics such as unconscious bias, cultural intelligence, and some great TED talks. I've popped a couple of photos from the parade at the end of this email. You can check our more photos and videos on Facebook or Twitter

My weekly emails always include a whole host of useful links. These don't usually get shared on the blog - it's only for subscribers. I do the searching so you don't have to. As this is such an important topic I've included them here for all. 

Avoiding unconscious bias
How to be aware of them and what you can do to manage them

How well do you manage the differences of others?
Managing differences of opinion in your team and with those you work with

Cultural Intelligence
The benefits for us all

Why diversity matters
A short summary that you can read in a couple of minutes

How this woman found her voice to be herself
When you get tired of trying to be someone else

How to talk to transgender people
Honest and full of what you want to say

The myth of the gay agenda
Funny and clear TEDx talk from LZ Granderson

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor


Making time to smile


I'm being bullied