A moment it came together

When I sit to think about what to write about I have a mountain of ideas, topics and thoughts to choose from. Sometimes I have a theme for a few weeks planned, sometimes it's the latest book I've read that I want to share and sometimes it's just how my week has been. To get the stories fresh as then appear you can sign up here to the weekly email.

On this particular week I shared my reflection of my week, when some things seemed to come together. Topics I've been writing about, books I've read all came front and centre in my week and it made me smile (one of those deep reflective smiles). 

I became very aware of my behaviour and how it would be affecting those around me - and not in a good way. I realised too late the impact my body language was having and I was actually a barrier for people to be at their best. While I tried to change and rectify it, the damage was done. Some self awareness and insight came into play at least. This book, that I read recently heightened my understanding of our self awareness - or our lack of it. Take a look at this article for more on self-awareness. 

What followed was receiving some frank, honest and helpful feedback on my behaviour and the impact it had. I've written a lot about feedback recently and sitting taking it in this format was useful and constructive. I was able to own my behaviour and the impact. It was delivered in a safe way that didn't demean or disrespect me in any way. It was great. 

Then it got even better. I was able to role model vulnerability. I went back to the group, said sorry, acknowledged my awareness and explained the totally illogical thoughts in my head that lead to me behaving the way I did. This meant me being vulnerable, owning what a novice I am, how this was a first for me and thought that I should behaviour in a 'certain' way. I thought I could't be me. 

One of my strongest thoughts about leadership is that to build trust with our teams we have to start with our own vulnerability. It is powerful and strong, not a weakness or something to hide away from. It takes courage and self awareness and this week I made sure I didn't miss the opportunity. 

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor


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My year of experiments