Katie Quinney | Healthcare Leadership Coach

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Recruitment Starter Pack #2 : Getting the right people on the bus

The first in the series started looking at the factors influencing why people might leave your team, how you influence that and your role as a manager and leader in recruitment. I touched on Jim Collins's book Good to Great and this will delve deeper into the ideas I briefly mentioned about getting your team together. 

If you keep these ideas in mind when recruiting you can build the best team around you whatever your role. 

First Who…Then What is about getting the right people on the bus? When Jim Collins and his team researched the companies that managed and sustained Good to Great they were surprised that getting the right people was key before deciding on your vision or strategy - or where your bus is going. If you have the right people they will be able to go with enthusiasm wherever the bus is heading and can respond creatively and positively to any change in direction - that will inevitably come in today's ever-changing world. 

Admittedly Good to Great is set in the context of establishing senior teams in the corporate and business world. The principles and theory do though apply to your role in healthcare. 

When discussing our diversity and inclusivity strategy with key people this message has been re-enforced. Hiring good people that align with our values is the key and the most important thing. 

There is a Good to Great supplement aimed at the social sectors (a really short quick read). This points out that despite the aspects that could be considered restrictions for social sectors, such as pay, hiring process and getting people off the bus still can be influenced if you hold onto the key of getting the right people on the bus. 

"Money is a commodity; talent is not. Time and talent can often compensate for lack of money, but money cannot ever compensate for the lack of the right people."

How then do you decide who are the right people? The CV - check this TED talk first.

First up you need to acknowledge and be aware of your conscious and unconscious bias. We want people like us right? Diversity in people brings great strength to your team. Understand and be clear on your organisational values. Be honest about your culture and think about what you need more of.  More of you is possibly not the answer. Talk to those you work with, the human resources team, your managers and leaders. Those who have built a great team around them. You are not alone in this. 

From Good to Great….

The adage "people are your most important asset is wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are.