Top TED talks of 2016

Hello there all,

Yes, it is that time of year, time for reflection and looking back before embarking on the new year. I love the idea of thinking back on what I've been through, what I've learnt and how I've changed. As I try and include a TED talk in each of these weekly emails I thought a summary of my five favourites from this year would be one good way of wrapping up 2016 for the Jedi emails and of course, I then get to share them on the blog.

You have no idea where camels really come from
OK, little know fact, I love camels and could bore you with many camel stories. This TED talk is much more interesting and educational. This talk screams persistence, passion, motivation and determination. Then there is the smack of the wonders of technology. Mainly though I think this talk is how we think about ourselves, our beliefs and how we can change what we think we know. I guess it"s about being open to thinking differently about the world and the stories we tell ourselves.

There is no such thing as not voting
To say there has been a bit of talk about elections this year would be an understatement. In Auckland we've elected a new mayor and new boards for our health boards and something was going on in America I believe. I remember the first time I was allowed to vote, I was so excited, this was something other people had fought for and something that is still denied to so many so I believe it is an essential thing to do and be part of. This talk hit straight to that belief and wrapped it in another attitude I value - that of finding joy in work - here Eric Liu talks about the joy in voting and how there is no such things as not voting.

Pirates, nurses and other rebels
What I love about TED is that I'll listen to topics that really I have no idea about and then realise how we are all connected in everything we do. A talk that puts Blackbeard the Pirate and Florence Nightingale has got to be worth listening to. This is quality and process improvement and when we think about our WHY we are always looking at ways to do things better.

Wisdom from writers from every year of life
This short, beautiful and poetic talk feels like a dream, a dream of our lives and the journey we are all on. While that journey is different for each and everyone of us, we are all in this together and every year is a privilege

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Possibly my favourite of the year, funny and scarily insightful, you will laugh out loud. Realise we all procrastinate somehow and maybe understand each other a little more (my monkey is often in charge)!


Live for Awesome
OK, this makes it 6 not 5 and this is not from 2016 but from 2015.
Ihad a great night at the ADHB clinical excellence awards a couple of weeks ago and we were treated to a fabulous (awesome) guest speaker Cam Calkoen. He speaks with passion and humour, believes in us all dreaming big and achieving all we can be. This is his TED talk from last year recorded in Queenstown and captures his essence and drive.

I hope you enjoy this little collection, it would be great to know what has been your favourite TED talks, from this or any year.

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor

Top five books for 2016


Saving my mind